The Prime Mobile Beacon is a small and powerful Multi-Purpose Tracker, the unique design ensures that the tracker can be used for Pets, Bicycles/ Valuables and People. It is completely portable, and has a quick installation. Equipped with Bluetooth for indoor tracking. The coin-sized sensor enables care recipients and caregivers to stay connected, whether at home or at an away location such as a mall, restaurant, park or other favorite location where GPS is not as effective. If a care recipient wanders, caregivers receive an instant text message. Great solution for apartments or other shared or assisted living environments.
For Home – Small, unobtrusive sensor has an adhesive back to easily attach to a wall of piece of furniture.
For Away – Simply put the coin-sized sensor into a caregiver’s safe pocket, billfold, wallet, or other travel accessory to stay connected at home and locations away from home.
Prime Mobile Beacon
- 4G/LTE
- IPX7 Waterproof
- 2-way Hands-free Voice
- Simple SOS Alarm Button
- Email and SMS Notification
- Extended Battery Life
- Electronic Geo-Fence